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Books for the Spiritual Seeker


Pictured alongside German Edition: Verlag via nova, (Publisher), Petersberg, Germany, August, 2017


Italian Edition: Integral Transpersonal Institute (ITI) (Publisher), Milan, Italy, December, 2017

Praise for Healing the Western Soul:

A Spiritual Homecoming for Today's Seeker


"I devoured Miller’s book from start to finish in one setting. I have found an articulate ally in the importance of spiritual experience. But beyond that is the daring counter-cultural revelation that many of our “helpers” neglect and even distain the Judeo-Christian mystical experiences of those who come to them. This is in spite of the fact that many of our authentic mystical experiences in the West are expressed in those very images and language. I found myself wanting to send a copy of this book to every postmodern person I know with a note saying ‘Hey, how about this!’"

Paul Smith, author of “Integral Christianity: The Spirit’s Call to Evolve”


“Dr. Miller takes us to a fascinating spiritual and intellectual journey as a compassionate guide, a brilliant cartographer, and a kind bridge builder between many valleys and hills of psychology and spirituality….This book is “the must read” for all people from the East and West who want to heal their wounds from their traditional institutionalized religions and to find their spiritual Home in relation to deep insights from psychology. A great achievement!”

Dr. Chung Hyun Kyung PhD Professor of Interfaith Engagement Union Theological Seminary, New York City Buddhist Dharma teacher in Korean Kwan Eum Zen tradition


"…a pioneering breakthrough for personal and cultural healing in our unprecedented global age."

Ashok Gangadean, Ph.D Margaret Gest Professor of Global Philosophy, Haverford College


“Dr. Judith Miller has much sage wisdom to share about the spiritual journey and how we can often find in our own backyards what we have set out to discover by pursuing dusty trails leading to exotic places that don’t speak to us nearly as clearly.”

David Lukoff  Ph.DProfessor of Psychology at Sofia University in Palo Alto, CA and Co-president of Association of Transpersonal Psychology.


Miller’s argument that Western traditions have moved away from their spiritual beginnings rings true in today’s civilized and scientific-based, society…. It’s time to explore the more spiritual side of our belief, and “Healing the Western Soul” is a great place to start.”

The Rev. Kymberley Clemons-Jones Pastor of Valley Stream Presbyterian Church and Author of “Cured But Not Healed: How to Experience Deeper Faith on Your Journey with God.


“At a time of global cultural fusion, Judith Miller calls us back to attend to the spiritual forms that we took on consciously and unconsciously in the early years of our development.  She insists that our healing has to take place in the tradition we were first at home in, not in traditions and languages that remain exotic to us and consequently lose their power to articulate precisely and to evoke experience with profundity — just as poetry does — in translation.”

Dr.Melvyn Hill Psychologist in private practice, Manhattan


”In our common work, which is experiential and scientific, she dares more than other psychotherapists and spiritual leaders to help people to heal their deepest wounds and find their authentic spiritual grounding. I appreciate Judith’s scientific competence and reliability. And she has a bigger knowledge which is beyond the brain, unspeakable, comes directly from the heart.”

Ingo Jahrsetz Wittnau, Germany, Dr. Phil. President of European Transpersonal Association 2009-2013; Founder and Director of Institute of Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy


Throughout the book, the interested reader will find the clarity of a top-class teacher along with the large vision of the mystic and the sound reasoning of the scholar. All of this with the authenticity of Judith Miller’s sharing of her life experience dilemmas, research and breakthroughs in a very positive, loving and constructive way.

Vitor RodriguesPhD in Psychology, Psychotherapist was the President of the European Transpersonal Association (2005-2009) and of the Portuguese-Brazilian Transpersonal Association (2003-2009). He is the author of twelve books.


“Dr. Judith Miller is uniquely qualified to offer wisdom and guidance to those interested in going beyond the dichotomies that fracture the world and create opposing sides instead of an integrated whole. Her many years of work in spiritual development, clinical psychology, the study of Eastern spiritual traditions as well as her profound understanding of Judeo-Christian spirituality infuses her writings…. Dr. Miller offers the wisdom and the means for reclaiming our Western spiritual heritage. She also points to the universality of true mystical experiences and insights, which when properly understood, unite East and West.”

Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D. Founder and Director of Anam Cara, and President of the Kundalini Research Network


Loved it!! …it is absolutely crucial to the West to get this message ASAP. And for psychology and religion to stop getting in the way of actual soul experience…

Gregg Curry Raised Methodist, retired Minister


A great book, a challenging call—if you happen to consider yourself a spiritual softy, don’t touch it. Miller makes it very clear that finding your own spiritual way by acknowledging and opening to your Western mystical roots is a very urgent matter these days. Engaging yourself with the book will leave you, in the end, with the deep and reassuring perspective that, beyond any doubt, you will be guided and carried through the jungle. All you have to do is wholeheartedly get on your way.

Rainer Pervoltzco-founder of the Chiron Centre in London and the International Institute for Consciousness Exploration


Dr. Judith Miller explored in depth the very root of our Judeo-Christian heritage and modern spiritual crisis. She expressed brilliantly the Zeitgeist of our time: to come fully home to who we are. And the book is an excellent guide to this journey.

Vladimir Maykov, Ph.D Chair of Transpersonal Psychology, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, and Senior Research Associate


Miller clearly has a wealth of knowledge and a rich fund of experience with which to guide us towards a spiritual homecoming. Hers is a fierce but loving challenge to face our western divergence from our Judeo-Christian roots. It is a call to look in the mirror: to search honestly and truthfully deep down inside ourselves for what has been lost and to re-connect with this tacit origin within us. An epiphany!

Regina U. Hess, Ph.D German clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, researcher, and faculty at international


Judith Miller shows us a positive side of how to bring people around the world closer together. Her important message is ‘To thine own self be true.’ Only by first acknowledging and reconnecting with our own Western sacred ground, will we be able to authentically become One with people worldwide from different traditions, worldviews, and cultures. Miller’s book is indeed a homecoming, a healing, a gift for those of us who are spiritual seekers. Excellent read!

Barbara H. Whitfield author of The Natural Soul: Unity With the Spiritual Energy That Connects Us


Miller offers a path to help Westerners return to the mystical roots familiar and known to them ‘natively’ from childhood. At some point, all of us need to return to plumb the depths of our childhood moorings in the Sacred no matter how far reaching and extraordinary our learnings from the other great spiritual traditions worldwide. I agree.

Rosemarie Anderson Ph.D Professor Emerita, Sofia University; Founder and Consultant, “Transpersonal Consultancy"


…a ‘must read’ for not only clinicians, spiritual counselors and educators in the field, but for anyone yearning for that spiritual connection that is essential in the course of the evolution of consciousness on a personal and collective basis. Finally, and most importantly, it validates the critical need for Westerners to return to their JudeoChristian roots with a new and informed spiritual perspective.

John Z. Amoroso, Ph.D transpersonal psychotherapist and educator,author of Awakening Past Lives: A Step by Step Guide


It is bewildering that while religion and spirituality seem to be playing such a central role in many people’s lives, so little has been done to incorporate this dimension of the human psyche into mainstream psychology. Dr. Judith Miller’s book is making a significant contribution in bridging that gap.

Zana Marovic Ph.D clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, trainer, and Yoga teacher in private practice

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Praise for Direct Connection: Transformation of Consciousness



“In writing about her vast experience as a practicing psychologist, teacher and explorer, Dr. Miller has expanded the boundaries of this often enigmatic and confusing field. She has also expanded our view of who we think we are. A brilliant, thoughtful and heartfelt book on the spiritual nature of the mind.”

Charles Whitfield, M.D. author of Healing the Child Within: Discovery & Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families


This is what psychotherapy at the brink of a new millennium needs: an engaged and radical reflection on the relationship between psychology and spirituality. Dr. Judith Miller integrates within her book the story of her own psycho-spiritual opening and the transformative potential arising out of her psychotherapeutic work with others. This book is an important contribution to the fields of mental health and consciousness research. It is a gift with the potential to engage peace and joy within the global mind.

Ingo Jahrsetz, Ph.D. Director and Co-Founder of the School of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy, Freiberg, Germany


“Dr. Judith Miller displays exceptional courage and vision as a traditionally trained clinical psychologist, in sharing this evocative and thought-provoking story of the spiritually transformative experiences that have highlighted her and her clients lives. This open sharing of her personal journey along the Mystical Path is an inspiration to readers and challenges them to expand their own view of reality to include the possibility of every persons potential for experiences of direct connection to the Higher Power. Well done!”

Yvonne Kason, M.D. author


“Dr. Judith Miller’s book has a great significance in our times of shifting consciousness, showing us our responsibility to offer guidance to those who suffer spiritual crises and are marginalized by mainstream psychology as mentally ill. Sharing her own mystical experiences, her message is very clear. What we call the Unknown is our Common Ground.”

Tanna Jakubowicz-Mount President of the Polish Transpersonal Association


(German Edition)

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